Why Black Lives Matter

"A transformation awaits at Marcia E. Cole's A Matter of Worth ... [The cast] give exceptional performances."
- DCMetroTheaterArts
"The script is strong, the acting solid across the board, and Judy Leak as Hannah is remarkable."
- The Silver Spring/Takoma Voice
- DCMetroTheaterArts
"The script is strong, the acting solid across the board, and Judy Leak as Hannah is remarkable."
- The Silver Spring/Takoma Voice
DC Metro Theatre Arts"A Matter of Worth" --The play's director and Artistic Director of Live Garra, Wanda Whiteside, creates a painfully credible story-telling exchange between every character. Her direction essentializes every word and gesture down to its core. There are no frills. Just truth. Whiteside demonstrates an uncanny ability to let what is on the page resonate with the physicality of the actor.”
DC Theatre Scene
"A Matter of Worth" - Director Wanda Whiteside incorporated inspirational spirituals, dances, and poetry to bridge the gap between slavery and African culture. The narrative was so profoundly poetic it bore a Shakespearian cadence. It takes a strong ensemble to pull off such eloquent words with ease and emotional conviction. Whiteside assembled a talented, collaborative, collection of actors who were deeply connected to the storyline and eager to engage the audience in a captivating manor...
A Matter of Worth explores a time of degradation with dignity and creativity. ... This story is a must see for truth seekers old and young." |